"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses, according to the riches of his grace." Ephesians 1:7
Recently, I have entered a season of redemption, gaining ground in my life and pursuing God's purpose. In the first part of this "Dare" series, I explored the transforming power of God in my life as a social activist who was literally called out by God to transcend my worldly aspiration for activism into a desire to serve Him. I have sensed His calling me to take a stand for the truth on some controversial topics. The truth treads on dangerous ground and yet is redeeming and freeing at the same time.
About a year ago, I experienced God's prompting to pray more specifically for our country and some of the social issues we have been facing. With the impending election, I felt troubled and was compelled to spend time on my knees petitioning on behalf of our nation. Since then, I have experienced an increased desire to keep up to date on political and social issues of our time. The presidential election and social responses to it has stirred up a myriad emotions across all social and political realms. When I turn on the TV and social media, I have seen a tremendous amount of global and national unrest. Global violence and rioting has been on the rise with concerns about terrorism, displacement of communities, persecution, martyrdom, oppression, sex trafficking, and deadly uprisings. National partisan divisions are intense when it comes to issues like political affiliation, women's health, abortion, immigration/refuges, social injustice, and race. I have witnessed differences of opinion across the board, including in the Christian church--differences that has the potential to bring division in the church body. I have attempted to analyze these issues from various points of view and pray about all sides of this spectrum of controversy. Our society is becoming more polarized in views, and it seems easy to jump to conclusions without getting all the facts. In light of these events, I felt a burning desire to write about my perception on these issues, something I never dared to do before. This Spring, KTIS Faith Radio was conducting their annual writing contest in which they were seeking stories about the issue of justice. I felt compelled, even dared to write about global and national unrest, and this was my response.
TV’s, smart phones, and laptops are tuned into the social unrest for the realities we engage from our modern technology lens of our worldview perception. The global nations rant, calling for blood and disunion. A world devastated by terrorism, martyrdom, trafficking, and oppression. A chaotic crowd of declarations screaming for social justice and change. Our culture fractured for the encounter of division and detestation, riots and rage. A culture of shattered voices tearing at the fabric of a fallen world unhinged by angst and indignation. We are marginalized, dehumanized, demoralized, socialized, culturized, and polarized until some know not what we are fighting. How do we speak hope to a nation divided by a realm of social media and misconceived realities? How do we ascertain truth and justice from this maze of chaos for opposing views? To prayerfully consider the articulate perceptions of all sides, by seeking truth and justice and by ignoring the name-calling polarizing rhetoric, I have come to the conclusion that our nation is hungry for restoration. The balm for national offenses and bitter wounds calls for the Gospel to break through these collective walls and tear down our chaotic convictions for a level playing field built up by a Redeeming Grace that is foreign to worldly pursuits.
Heavenly mercies are the paradox for surpassing cultural and national dissention reformed by Sovereignty and Divine Purpose. The God who calms the storm and stills the disorder calls out His children to be set apart for His purpose. For our battle is truly not for “flesh and blood” and requires a converted armor of words that hold the sword power to pierce and redefine change by infinite wisdom and truth. The battle is won only on our knees with hearts aligned with the unquenchable fire for God’s plans to be set in motion. Let us bring out a new culture of Calebs, Daniels, Esthers, and Pauls; men and women brave enough to face their giants and bring about spiritual reformation in light of truth and mercy for “such a time as this.” Turn our rage into “Damascus experiences”-- to emerge from the blinding, life-altering, and transcending call for justice and humble union with the Divine. “He has told you, O man, what is good; and what does the LORD require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, and to walk humbly with your God?” (Micah 6:8)
Our pursuit for justice, kindness, and humility comes down to two things, Truth and Love! These words are dangerous to a chaotic world of factions and partisan rifts. It is a dare for all brave enough to rise above the frenzy and take a stand for the One who can truly redeem broken hearts and serve justice. Dare to seek out the truth, the ultimate truth, even if it changes everything we once stood for—“and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free” (John 8:32). Dare to unfold the truth in the founding of our nation in its pursuit for justice and religious freedom. Truth in our history of oppression and social battles for justice and integrity. Truth for the lies our culture breaths to achieve distorted agendas. Truth for the Love that surpasses all these realities and brings social change for the Purpose of the Divine. Dare to love, fiercely and unconditionally, even if it costs us everything we once held onto—“above all, keep loving one another earnestly, since love covers a multitude of sins” (1 Peter 4:8-9). Dare to love the weary and the oppressed. To love the old man lost in a haze of forgotten memories. To love the child marred by abuse and disease. To love the shattered woman who walked out of the abortion clinic, leaving behind a piece of her soul. To love the refuge torn from her very livelihood to be displaced and traumatized. To love in God’s name by His unending mercies and grace.
We are all really broken people, sojourners in a fallen world, trying to make it the best we know how, marked by the realities of sin and disappointment. Ultimately, we are redeemed by God’s love that abounds and calls us out of our fragmented lives to bind ourselves to His steadfast love and mercy. The nations are shaken by His Redeeming Love when we embrace the hope and the humbleness that the Redeemer has called us to serve and offer “these little ones even a cup of cold water”(Matthew 10:24). When we pay it forward and sacrifice some of ourselves to fill the divide with truth and love, ultimate life-altering justice and social change transpires one merciful act at a time. Although we cannot ourselves change the climate of our culture or its social unrest, by God’s grace and power, we are resurrected into a new culture of life changers and power breakers, and His miraculous splendor emerges for those who are transformed by this dare!
“In all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us. For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord.” (Romans 8:37-39)
NFL player, Benjamin Watson expresses his perception that overcoming racial division and social unrest starts with the heart!
For more information about my perception on social issues, you can read the first part of the "Dare" series:
Darcee - It was a pleasure going through some of your posts. I had a question about something in the archives and was hoping you could reach out quick - virgilnci(@)gmail(dot)com - Hopefully we can connect, V