Friday, November 1, 2013

Health, Wellness, and the Beauty of Intelligent Design: Heidi’s Mission to Bridge the Gap

“Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.”  Hebrews 11:1,3


Today, healthcare has become a controversial subject.  There are a variety of opinions about healthcare expenses, insurance coverage, the prevalence of disease, nutrition, the need for vaccinations, and numerous other hot topics.   Although there is a rising interest in holistic medicine and alternative therapies, there continues to be skepticism towards these treatment approaches in the conventional medical community. Individuals who choose alternative healthcare can experience loneliness and isolation when they receive criticism and opposition by healthcare providers and family/friends.  Skepticism may also arise in the Christian community with concerns that alternative healthcare approaches are based on other religions and the New Age Movement.

As a Christian, wife, mother, healthcare professional, and student of holistic health, Heidi Helgeson has had the unique opportunity to view healthcare from allopathic (conventional), integrative/complementary, and alternative perspectives.  Heidi’s vision is to help bridge the gap between these healthcare worldviews.  She also is passionate about educating healthcare professionals, Christians, and the general public about the alternative modality Field Control Therapy.

Heidi has had a successful career as a registered nurse working in a neonatal intensive care/maternity care unit for over 28 years.  She also taught prenatal education for five years.  A few years ago, Heidi had the opportunity to pursue a masters degree as a neonatal nurse practitioner; however, she decided that she had a different vision for her future.  In 2010, Heidi entered the Masters of Arts in Holistic Health Studies (MAHHS) program at St. Catherine University, where she had also received her Bachelors in Nursing.  In the spring of 2012, Heidi also joined the Field Control Therapy (FCT) Graduate Program.


Field Control Therapy or FCT is a multidimensional form of health care developed by New York physician, Dr. Savely Yurkovsky, MD involving a variety of applications including “causative” homeopathy, toxicology, quantum physics, biophysics, and other alternative health care practices.  Several years ago, Dr. Yurkovsky researched various approaches for homeopathic therapy for his son who was diagnosed with a debilitating condition.   He experienced significant frustration that his son was not being adequately treated through conventional or alternative medicine.  Yurkovsky’s goal was to design an integrative and cohesive approach to therapies that would successfully treat both mild and chronic/severe diseases.  Eventually, he was able to effectively treat his son’s illness through a unique and innovative therapy that was non-invasive and based on the scientific principles of quantum physics. 

FCT addresses the systems of the body on a bio energetic level—which includes the energetic health and balance of the cells.  According to energy medicine theory, the cells of the body consist of atoms with energetic fields made up of subatomic particles.  The presence of harmful substances disrupts the normal function of these subatomic particles, leading to disease and dysfunction in the body.  FCT safely facilitates the body’s ability to remove these harmful influences from the cells while restoring the cellular energy fields within the organs and tissues of the body. 

FCT patients are tested for the energetic signature of harmful substances and the corresponding stressed organs through non-invasive bio-resonance testing. This is assessed using the technique of non-force applied kinesiology by detecting subtle, involuntary muscle movements. While lying in a supine position, the FCT practitioner tests clients for possible energetic imbalances using water imprinted with the energetic information of the human anatomy and various organic or inorganic substances.  These energetic imprints are contained in sealed glass vials and placed on a metal plate connected to an aluminum rod by a circuit.  The patient holds the rod in his/her hand while the practitioner places the vials on the plate, observing for corresponding involuntary muscle responses which are evaluated and measured through physical touching of the patient’s ankles.   The body’s innate intelligence indicates which substance is a priority to remove from the body, as well as which organs need the most support in restoring energetic cellular balance. 

Individualized vials containing water that has been imprinted with the energetic signatures of relevant substances are given to the client. When patients take these remedies, they facilitate the body’s natural ability to correct disruptive patterns within the cells of the body. Patients also receive vials holding the energetic imprints of organs and tissues that require restoration and support.  The patient typically is given 10-25 different vials that are taken by placing one drop underneath the tongue in a specific order and timing that is determined by the practitioner.  While taking the drops, the patient is required to reduce exposure to electromagnetic frequencies by staying away from computers, cell phones, television, etc. for a short time- usually two days.  Some patients also may use devices designed to neutralize harmful effects of electromagnetic frequencies in the body. The effects of these frequencies can interfere not only with the body’s natural biorhythms, but also with the rebalancing effects of FCT.  The configuration of how the remedies are taken and the length of time between visits to the FCT practitioner will vary from person to person.  There are no two protocols that are alike.  Each plan is unique to the individual.  FCT practitioners may recommend dietary changes and certain supplements; however, the use of these is normally minimal.   As the energy balance of the cells is restored, the body begins to heal itself.   How quickly a patient notices improvement in their symptoms varies depending on multiple factors and ranges from rapid relief to longer, more gradual responses in more complicated cases. 


Heidi became interested in Field Control Therapy five years ago when she made an appointment at an acupuncture clinic in western Wisconsin.  She chose to be evaluated for preventative healthcare and improvement of her overall health.  One year after her initial FCT evaluation, Heidi discovered a tic bite in her ear. Two weeks later, she started having fatigue, aches throughout her body, and neurological changes.  She felt an unusual sensation in her head when she moved it side to side.  She made an appointment with her family doctor, and blood tests showed that 2 of the 5 titers for Lyme disease were elevated.  Heidi’s doctor offered to prescribe antibiotics for Lyme disease; however, she decided to treat the Lyme and other co-infections with FCT.  Her symptoms greatly improved within a month. 

Heidi’s practitioner also treated other members of her family with FCT.  Heidi’s daughter had a significant case of Lyme disease that was treated for several months with antibiotics.  A couple of years later, the FCT practitioner treated her for several Lyme co-infections.  Her daughter was also treated for a skin infection that she previously attributed to psoriasis.  When Heidi’s daughter developed bursitis in her shoulder and received multiple therapies and medical interventions with minimal relief, her doctor recommended cortisone injections.  Instead of continuing to use conventional medicine, she chose to use FCT to treat the bursitis and almost immediately obtained relief.  Field Control Therapy has played an important role for Heidi and her family members in their overall health and wellness. 

Recently, word has spread about the testimonials of breakthroughs and positive results with FCT.  There currently is a considerable waiting list at the clinic in western Wisconsin with patients that travel from places throughout the country for treatment.    Heidi saw a need here and decided that this was her calling.


Heidi is currently enrolled in the 24-month FCT Graduate Program.  The program was originally developed by Dr. Yurkovsky and is now being taught by 2 naturopathic practitioners from Ireland who have worked directly with him.  The program has been designed as a training curriculum for students worldwide. Students are required to complete a variety of studies, attend a series of conferences, and demonstrate skills validation. 

Recently, Heidi and her fellow FCT student, Paula, have been doing FCT case studies under the consultation and supervision of one of their teachers. Through these case studies, the process of discovering and unfolding the layers of health issues has amazed Heidi. She especially feels compassion for individuals struggling with emotional, cognitive, and psychological issues.  Heidi has found that there may be a previously unidentified energetic component to these situations that, when revealed, can be released through FCT, offering relief to patients who are struggling in these areas.  Heidi is thrilled to see the physical, cognitive, and emotional progress her case studies have been making.


“For you created my inmost being:  you knit me together in my mother’s womb.  I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made.” Psalm 139:13-14

As a Christian, Heidi has found that her journey with both holistic health studies and FCT to be humbling and rewarding.  She has approached the learning curve with humility and gratitude.  Heidi has found that her faith in God deepens as she marvels at the beauty and amazing structure of the human body at a physiological and energetic level. 

"Scientific creationists seek to describe and understand the world God created, demonstrating that science and the Bible can both co-exist.  I see the same parallels when describing the human body.  Biomedicine has provided invaluable knowledge about the human body and through it has come lifesaving innovations and principles that I see in my work as an RN on a daily basis.  Through my MAHHS (Masters of Arts in Holistic Health Studies), the FCT Graduate Program, and a personal experiences as a FCT practitioner as well as a patient, I have come to see that another paradigm of human health exists, one where the body is viewed from a bio energetic standpoint.  Just as our brains' and hearts' energetic nature can be measured through EEG's and EKG's, so too does every cell and therefore every organ and system in the body possess a unique energetic signature.  Disease or dysfunction within the body is a disturbance of this energetic balance and is viewed by many as the precursor to biochemical changes that are detected via laboratory tests.  I have found through FCT that our wonderfully engineered bodies can communicate information to the practitioner about where these imbalances are.  Ultimately, regardless of which modality is chosen, bio energetic or conventional, the body has been designed to heal itself.  The God who created light in the darkness is the same God who created this energy within the cells that quantum physicists believe are made of electrons that can be simultaneously both particles and waves.  In short, I believe our God is a quantum God, not limited by time and space.  I see Him every time I interact with the marvelously created individuals I have the privilege of testing."

Heidi is eager to educate Christians about holistic health and Field Control Therapy. She acknowledges that some Christians may express concern that FCT involves activities that can be found in aspects of the New Age Movement.  Heidi recognizes that Christians should be discerning about the choices they make regarding alternative healthcare. On the other hand, it is also important that the Christian community come along side individuals who are struggling with chronic and severe illnesses and who choose holistic therapies that those in the Christian community may not be familiar with. Healthcare is a personal journey.   For those facing a chronic or debilitating condition, it can become lonely and frightening. Christians make up a body of people that ideally love and support each other.   It can make all the difference when Christians open their hearts to demonstrate kindness and compassion and seek to understand the science behind holistic therapies such as FCT.

“When I consider your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars, which you have set in place.  What is man that you are mindful of him, the Son of man that you care for him?”  Psalm 8:3-4.

Heidi is also interested in Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM), which includes many alternative therapies such as alternative medical systems, mind-body interventions, biology-based therapies/homeopathic remedies, manipulative/body-based therapies, and energy therapies.  Integrative medicine is the term used to describe when these complementary approaches are used along with conventional medical practices in hospitals, clinics, cancer centers, and other healthcare settings. Heidi’s desire to bridge the gap between conventional and alternative medicine has become the foundation of her Masters in Holistic Health Studies graduate thesis.  

"CAM use has risen at a rapid rate over the last 15 years and yet as many as 77% of patients using Cam do not disclose their treatments to their providers.  Research also indicates that patients using medical treatments sometimes hesitate to disclose this to their alternative health care practitioners.  My two research partners and I are exploring the theory that the principles of quantum physics may provide a bi-directional bridge of understanding between patients and providers of integrative and conventional health care.  One of the goals of our research is to empower patients by giving them a language grounded in science that has applications for a large number of alternative therapies such as FCT.  The words quantum physics can seem like intimidating science to the average non-physics major until concepts are explained in an understandable way that can be applied to their own lives.  We are also interested in the theory that providing biomedical providers with a science based conceptual framework for describing CAM will increase their understanding of alternative modalities without having to learn about each one individually.  We are looking at action oriented research, possibly focus group interviews and surveys for collecting data." 

After completing her graduate training, Heidi plans to continue working as a staff nurse; however, she will not be operating under her nursing license as an alternative healthcare practitioner.   Heidi Helgeson and her business partner Paula Bayley will open their clinic, Balanced Health Solutions LLC, in Stillwater, MN at the beginning of the year. They are thrilled to serve in this much needed capacity in the Twin Cities region and outlying communities.  For more information, you can contact Heidi and Paula directly at


For further information about how Field Control Therapy works:

To learn more about Dr. Yrukovsky or find a Field Control Therapy practitioner:

To learn more about the FCT Graduate Program:

For more information about electromagnetic fields and Memon technology: 

 To learn more about St. Katherine’s Holistic Health Studies program:

For more information about Complementary Alternative Medicine:

For more information about alternative healthcare from Christian perspective, you can read my blog article:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

A Woman of Noble Character: The Story of a 7-year Cancer Survivor

“She is clothed with strength and dignity.  She speaks with wisdom and faithful instruction is on her tongue.”  Proverbs 31:  25a, 26

Devastating News

Seven years ago, 36-year-old Heather Von St. James was at the prime of her life when she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl named Lily.  She was looking forward to the cherished memories her family would share in raising precious Lily—all the milestones and the joys of motherhood.  Three and a half months later, Heather’s plans and dreams were altered with the devastating diagnosis of a rare form of cancer called Mesothelioma.  How could this happen?  Heather was never directly exposed to asbestos, a deadly toxin that causes this type of cancer, however her father unknowingly brought it home from work on his clothes. 

With a grim prognosis of fifteen months to live and little knowledge about the disease, Heather faced a myriad of emotions including shock, disbelief, anger, and overwhelming fear.  The more Heather researched Mesothelioma, the more hopeless the situation seemed.  There appeared to be very limited options for her to fight the terminal cancer. 

The Battle Begins

When Heather looked into the eyes of her sweet baby, she decided that dying was not an option.  “I knew I had to be around and get to know who she would be.  Besides, my husband couldn’t teach her to put on make-up and do her hair.  I HAD to beat it.” 

Fortunately, Heather received excellent medical care and was referred to the world’s leading specialist on the disease.  She had a radical surgery called an “Extra Pleural Pneumonectomy.”  This procedure involved the removal of her lung, the pleura where the cancer was located, half of her diaphragm, the lining of her heart (pericardium), and her sixth rib.  The diaphragm and pericardium were replaced with a surgical gore-tex mesh.  During the surgery, Heather had inter-operative heated chemo—a procedure where chemo solution is heated to 140 degrees Fahrenheit and pumped into the chest cavity, swirled around for an hour, and then pumped back out.  The theory behind this procedure is the chemo comes in direct contact with the affected cells, and it is a much stronger solution than what could be administered intravenously.  After a three-month recovery, Heather had four rounds of chemotherapy followed by thirty sessions of radiation.  The effects of the chemo and radiation were traumatizing.  Heather describes chemotherapy as a roller coaster of ups and downs and the radiation therapy as feeling like a “slow descent into hell.”  She had days during her therapies that she could not remember anything. What she could remember was often hazy. 


Heather looked into her daughter's eyes and knew she had to beat cancer


The battle was extensive and agonizing.  Words can’t even begin to describe what Heather endured, however she refused to give up hope.  The road to victory was costly, but the outcome was worth it.  “Although it was the worst thing that has ever happened to me, it was at the same time the best.   It totally changed my life.  Mesothelioma gave me a new freedom of sorts.  It gave me the realization that I’m a lot stronger than I thought I was.  I learned to live in the moment by savoring the immediate and not worrying so much about things we have no control over.”  

A few years after Heather’s cancer treatments were completed, she discovered a support network through the Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation.  It was reassuring for her to know that she was not alone as she came in contact with other survivors who understood what she was going through.  Heather then became involved with this community of survivors and activists.  “My friend Ted says, ‘Mesothelioma is the crappiest way to meet the best people’, and he couldn’t be more right.” 

Heather’s involvement in the Mesothelioma community became the foundation of her vision and purpose.  As a cancer survivor and an activist, she realized that her experience opened up an opportunity for reaching out to educate and help others who are suffering from this dreadful disease. 

A Voice for Hope

When Heather was diagnosed with Mesothelioma, there weren’t stories of hope readily available to her.  She did not have the access and exposure to social media that we have today.   Seven years ago, Heather didn’t know anyone who had the disease, however she is now determined to resolve this problem for existing cancer victims.  “Hope can mean the difference between deciding to fight and giving up.  If I can give someone hope and inspire them on their battle, then I’m doing the right thing.” 

“Dying to be Heard” is Heather’s campaign as she illustrates the devastating effects of Mesothelioma on its victims.  Her objective is to become their voice for hope through education, advocacy, and support.  Heather’s mission is simple.   She is doing everything she can to bring to light this disease and what it does.  “We associate the color pink with breast cancer.  Everyone is aware of breast cancer because of campaigns, treatments, and improved life expectancy.  Until people are made aware, nothing will change.  Imagine the change that would happen if the amount of people who are aware of breast cancer also knew about Mesothelioma.  That is my passion and why I do what I do.”

Heather with her husband, Cam, and their daughter, Lily

The Truth about Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer caused by exposure to the insidious fiber asbestos that has been used in many products over the last century.  This deadly toxin is not banned in the United States and is widely used today.  Mesothelioma has a 10-50 year latency period.  Once exposed to asbestos it lays in your system, silently producing the cancer.  Mesothelioma is very difficult to diagnose.  Only about 2000-3000 individuals are diagnosed annually in comparison to the 85000 who are diagnosed with breast cancer.  Unfortunately, funding for Mesothelioma research has been almost non-existent.

Prevention is the only known cure.  You can prevent exposure to asbestos by educating yourself about the toxin and the products or materials it can be found in.  You should use extreme caution when completing any home renovations if your house was built before 1978.  Heather shares that there is improved medical care for treating the disease, “Treatments have come a long way in the last 7 years.  Surgery is still the most effective.  There are many promising clinical trials happening right now as well.” 

The Mesothelioma Applied Research Foundation has declared September 26 as national Mesothelioma Awareness Day.  This day has profound meaning for Heather as she strives to raise awareness.  For more information about Heather’s story, facts about the disease, and Heather’s mission visit her blog at:

To learn more about Heather's mission to raise awareness about Mesothelioma visit the following site at:


For additional information about Mesothelioma, you can visit the following websites:

Friday, September 13, 2013

Reduced for Gratitude

“For I know that my Redeemer lives, and at the last he will stand upon the earth.  And after my skin has been thus destroyed, yet in my flesh I shall see God, whom I shall see for myself, and my eyes shall behold, and not another.  My heart faints within me!”  Job 19:25-27 

Landmarks of Faith

It all began with a girl not yet entering teens, terribly shy, with flaxen hair and blue-gray eyes. Unsure of self, a child meek and lost. Not long ago chasing monsters from underneath the bed.  One day, taking a leap of faith and choosing the path of redemption.  Uncertain of what it all means, a girl thrust into the broken journey of adolescence.  A life outlined by joy and sorrow, a legacy of faith marked by pain.  Why all this pain?  Entering in and out of the presence of a God so close yet seemingly distant.  Choosing a path of uncertainty, chasing falsehoods and broken dreams. 

Young adulthood is confusing, shaping identities, becoming seduced by the world’s facade of beauty.  The course of wrong choices played itself out until the Lord said “enough” and initiated the gift of grace, a father’s love for his prodigal child.  A testimony blossoming in the presence of God’s redemptive plans.  Feeling exhilarated with a new-found relationship with the Creator of the universe and the freedom it offers.  The delight in discovery of Christ and the power of prayer, yet there seems to be a detour in the making.  Isn't Christianity always about joy?  Doesn't God protect his children from failures and sorrows?  How easy it is to slip away, allowing the weight of worry and the state of self-indulgence numb the senses.  Bitterness is a slow deadly poison that seeps into the pores of existence until it deadens the soul and without realizing it consumes with apathy.  Endless longings for the way it used to be, yet stuck in a stronghold of defeat. This isn't the life I planned for myself.  “Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me?  Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation and my God.”  Psalm 42:5

Reduced and Pruned

When life becomes too big with busy schedules and countless agendas to complete.  When the largeness of living seems to pull me along by an all-consuming tide, I find myself drowning and there seems to be no way out.  The Lord says “enough” and my course is altered.   The tide is stilled, and I am crushed by the weight of malady.  A legacy of faith marked by pain.  Why all this pain?  In my Job days, I find myself enveloped in darkness, confined by the 4 corners of my bed.  Disease ravaging my body, and my mind frenzied with fear. My spirit is begging, pleading for healing—prayers that seem lost in the dead echoes of silence.   The enemy of soul seemingly has the upper hand.  Once again, he underestimates the power of the Great I Am.  The God of heaven has a bigger plan incomprehensible.  I am undone.  I am reduced in my body, my life, and my spirit. I identify with Job as he laments, “Naked I came from my mother’s womb, and naked shall I return.  The Lord gave, and the Lord has taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.” Job 1:21

I am brought down low, condensed to nothingness, and in losing myself I unearth the unexpected.  It creeps in my life gradually by small adjustments to my spirit, something I can’t identify at first.  My life is transformed for the making and choosing of the divine.  My eyes are opened, unveiling new truth.  With one excruciating step at a time I discover the conduit to supernatural trust while enduring uncertainty and disease.  Then, one day I come to find the bitterness and apathy have faded in the wake of my forgiveness and His sovereignty.  My fears and anxieties are dispersed by “grace that is sufficient and power made perfect in my weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9).  My life is smaller, and I am overwhelmed with awe for the vastness of my God.  As it comes to be, I realize that I am reduced for Gratitude. 

“Thanksgiving  that Proceeds the Miracle”

Gratitude is an anecdote for the soul, a gift from above, a concept the world does not comprehend.  Gratitude—smothered by the pull of selfishness, ambition, greed, envy, and lust for worldly ambitions.  Gratitude—seemingly lost in suffering—broken marriages, crushed dreams, bodies ravaged by cancer and disease, hopeless spirits, financial woes, lives destroyed by the weight of grief. So, how did I stumble upon this Gratitude?  Ann Voskamp describes the word, “Eucharisteo”, in her book 1000 Gifts.  Thanksgiving is a consecrated gift of grace and joy in the moment.  Ann writes, “Thanksgiving always proceeds the miracle.”  I am breathless at these words.  “Thanksgiving always proceeds the miracle.”  How did I not see it?  All the loveliness around me. The small things that count.  Beauty for the sunshine and a breath of breeze. Delight for grasping small hands and feet.  Beauty for simple everyday things.  Miniature butterflies sunning themselves on glossy stems. Belly laughs and lemonade stands.  Goldfinches nibbling on profuse sunflower blooms.    The cool crisp taste of cucumber on my tongue. Sunset reflections on windowpanes in a glorious blaze.  The sweet tinkle of piano melodies on rainy days.  So many things for beauty and blessing to count.   All these things are acts of worship because they offer glory to their Creator.  I uncover Gratitude for my smallest joys and for His abundance. 

Reduced for Gratitude

The tribulations of life change the perception lens and level the playing field for the work of redemption.  When circumstances make no sense to me and my Father is pruning my life for His purpose, I can be tempted to scoff at the injustice of it all.  God is patient with my contentious attitude as He lovingly unfolds His message for me.   When I think to myself all I have is these stinking loaves and fishes and it doesn't add up, the God of glory transforms them into an abundance of blessings and I am left with unspeakable Gratitude.  Upon reflecting my journey, I can distinguish God’s purpose in my life, a legacy of faith marked by pain.  Why so much pain?  God uses our pain for transformation, purification, and His eternal purposes.  All this pain and beauty, and I am left with just Gratitude. 

Gratitude is the gift in its truest form.  “Thanksgiving that proceeds the miracle.” The gift of grace.  An abundance of blessings to count for glory.  Joy for the moment.  The transforming power of “peace that surpasses all understanding” (Philippians 4:7).  My life is condensed and my vision modified for the gift and the blessing.  Tomorrow is uncertain but I have a choice to make of how I will live, with bitterness or Gratitude. 

“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand.  And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God.  Not only so, but we also rejoice in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope.  And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out his love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom he has given us.”  Romans 5:1-5

To Learn More about Ann Voskamp and her ministry visit her website:

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Lessons From the Garden: Tender Reflections and Healing Moments


I decided to share some thoughts and reflections about a precious part of my life.  My interest in gardening began sometime after moving into our house ten years ago.  I don’t tend to be “by the book” when it comes to planting a vegetable garden or landscaping with perennials.  I’ve learned to garden through trial and error, and I’ve made plenty of mistakes over the years, however this process has brought me a tremendous amount of pleasure.  Gardening is a healing and peaceful activity that is healthy for the body and spirit.

Spring’s Sweet Promise

After being cooped up all winter, I began to anticipate warmer days by the end of February.  My late winter hopes and dreams could be found in the dark recesses of my laundry room where I made future gardening plans.  With seeds and planting materials gathered, my mouth watered at visions of juicy cucumbers and sweet squash.  The winter was long and weary, yet spring’s promise came in small hopes like golden daffodils pushing through the frosty earth. 

Our lives are often like those long winter days as we face seasons of suffering and waiting on the Lord.  Scripture gives us glimpses of God’s glorious promise to replace despair with hope. In this season, the Lord longs to engage us in moments of rest and peace when circumstances beyond our control scream for healing and redemption.  “The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me… to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair.  They will be called oaks of righteousness, a planting of the Lord for the display of his splendor.”  Isaiah 61: 1a, 3

PLANTING SEEDS:  Planting your own seeds is a simple way to save money for gardening.  At the beginning of March, I set up a table in my laundry room, using a lamp with a bare halogen light bulb. When the time was right, I planted seeds in egg crates with peat moss/light potting soil and surrounded the bottom of the egg crates with aluminum foil.  After watering the seeds, I covered my egg crate flats with saran wrap, pinched the saran wrap tight by the foil, and placed them near the light.  This created a greenhouse affect, and the seeds would sometimes germinate within a few days.  After the seedlings were established, I transferred them into Styrofoam cups of potting soil and placed them in a sunny window to nurture and water until planting season. 



Sunny Days Ahead

This year, winter continued to drag on past Easter and into May.  After the frost finally melted, I began to track the weather forecast for the perfect time to start planting my homegrown flowers and garden vegetables.   Shortly after Memorial Day, my husband tilled the vegetable garden and it was ready to go.  I was thrilled to plant the seedlings that were tenderly cared for by an eager gardener’s heart. 

On the first sunny days of spring, my joyful spirit was full of praises as I began to look for signs of life in my shrubs and perennials.  It was a season for pruning and clearing out the old brush to make room for the new buds.  God does the same during seasons of change as He removes the unnecessary garbage from our lives to make room for the incredible new beginnings He has in store for us.  “I am the true vine, and my Father is the gardener.  He cuts off every branch in me that bears no fruit, while every branch that does bear fruit he prunes so that it will be even more fruitful…  I am the vine; you are the branches.  If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.” John 15:1-2,5

GOING ORGANIC:  I think the best way to produce a vegetable garden is to go organic.  What better way than composting!  All year, we save our food scraps and bring them directly to the garden.  Some of the best composting materials include fruit and vegetable peels, eggshells, and pulp from the juicer.  Rhubarb and melons especially thrive on compost. 

Summertime Joy

Summertime is my favorite time of the year!  I love having the kids home during the day and spending time with them.  My boys often play outside while I’m puttering around in the garden. I enjoy working with my teenage daughter on outdoor projects.  On a leisurely afternoon, the kids and I might go for a short walk or sit outside and read. 

There is something healing about the summer season. I bask in the warmth of the sun touching my face and gentle breezes kisses whispering against my skin.  I feel peaceful and content as I water my flowers and watch my perennials develop over time.  I find joy in discovering little surprises such as last year’s petunias seeding themselves in my perennial bed for a colorful display.  Tranquil thankfulness surrounds me like miniature butterflies sunning themselves on dainty blooms.  A Father’s love touches the sky dome with sweetness in the air.  “The Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face toward you and give you peace.”  Numbers 6:24-26

HEALING EARTH AND SUN:  Grounding is an activity that has many healing benefits as your body has direct contact with the earth.  I delight in feeling the warm soft earth against my bare feet.  For added benefit, spend some time lying directly on the ground to absorb the energy from the earth’s magnetic field. Benefits of grounding include reduced pain/inflammation, increased energy, improved sleep, and decreased exposure to harmful electromagnetic fields.
The sun also has the healing quality of increasing your body’s production of vitamin D and natural melatonin that can aide in improving sleep and your over-all health.  

For the Birds

One of my favorite activities in the summer is watching the birds that visit our yard.  Early spring, I made sure our birdfeeders were ready to go.  By the end of May, we had a buzz of hummingbird activity at our feeder.  One bird in particular (we named Ruby after the red patch on his throat) stationed himself near the hummingbird feeder for about a week.  Ruby supervised all the birds returning from winter migration and let them know when they’ve had enough sugar water.  One day, my three-year-old son found a picture of ruby throat humming bird in a Backyard Birds book and shouted at the window, “Ruby, I found your picture!”  It was very entertaining for our family to observe Ruby’s antics.  We’ve also had visits from gorgeous Baltimore oriels as well as bright little goldfinches and bluebirds.  My children have enjoyed learning about the birds that visit our feeders and build nests in our yard.  My boys discovered a robin’s nest in our willow tree about a month ago.  They were very excited to share their discovery! 

Sometimes, when I’m sitting in the garden or lying in the grass, I quietly observe the birds nearby and feel at peace.  Birds remind me of God’s powerful love for all creation and his desire to know us personally.  Sparrows are small and unremarkable yet God takes notice when a sparrow falls, and the Lord declares that we are so much more cherished by our Father than sparrows (Matthew 10:31).  Next time you see an ordinary little bird in your yard, think of the sparrows and know that you are loved.

FEEDING THE BIRDS:  Every year, I have made my own suet by saving fat drippings from bacon grease and other meats.  When ready to make the suet, I would empty a jar of thawed fat into a pot to melt on the stove.  Then, I would add berries, raw nuts, raisins, a little cornstarch, a little flour, and 2-3 cups of birdseed.  Afterwards, I took the mixture and poured it in Tupperware containers that were close to the size of my suet feeder and stored them in the freezer.   When I was ready to use the suet, I would pop one out of its container, spread peanut butter on the top of it, and dip it in more birdseed.  I would hang the feeder outside my front window.  The birds loved it!  This year, I made homemade hummingbird food as well.  I brought 4 cups of water to a boil, added a cup of sugar, and boiled it for 2 minutes.  I did not add food coloring, which can be harmful for birds.  The sugar water was a hit!  To attract more beautiful birds, you can also set out orange halves or grape jelly in a small dish. 

Lessons from the Garden

When I first started gardening, I spent most of my time trying to come up with ways to keep the weeds down by adding straw, newspaper, and other materials to act as a weed fabric.  By the end of the season, I often gave up on keeping the weeds under control.  When my health declined a few years ago, I was convinced that it wasn’t realistic to work in the garden, yet I just couldn’t give it up.  Instead, I decided to try gardening by sitting on a towel and tilling the garden with a hand cultivator.  If I would spend a few hours a week doing this, I would keep the weeds under control and my plants flourished. 

I feel closer to God when I am working in the garden.  The other day, I came out to the garden and had a good cry while I was working.  Overwhelmed with emotion, I had a long talk with God about what was on my heart.  Then, my three-year-old son came running out to me and cried out, “Mommy, I need you!”  He dove in my arms to snuggle up with a hug and a kiss.  My heart melted in his sweet embrace.  Sometimes when life becomes unbearable, I do the same with my heavenly Father and cry out to Him, “Daddy, I need you.”  Nothing pleases Him more as He opens his arms to the longing embrace of one of his children. 

God designed nature as a magnificent healer and teacher.  My heart rejoices when I discover a bird I’ve longed to see in my backyard.  I am elated when a perennial finally flourishes or a tree bears fruit after years of care.  At these times, I am reminded that God always keeps his promises and will give me the breakthrough I am looking for in His perfect timing.  Our Creator made this beautiful world to demonstrate His glory.  God is so good.  “But ask the animals, and they will teach you, or the birds of the air, and they will tell you; or let the fish of the sea inform you.  Which of these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this?  In his hand is the life of every creature and the breath of all mankind.”  Job 12:7-10

HEALTHY LIVING:  Growing food in a garden is a fantastic start for a healthy lifestyle.  There are abundant varieties of vegetables we can add to our diet through gardening.  Homegrown fruits and veggies are healthier for us and taste better too!  Garden produce can be used to can, freeze, steam, juice, make salads, or eat directly from the vine!  You can visit the farmer’s market or join a food share for a larger variety of healthy garden produce.  Community gardens are becoming increasingly popular and are an excellent option for those who do not have the yard space for a garden.

Changing Seasons

“There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven” Ecclesiastes 3:1

A part of me dreads the end of the summer, anticipating the cooler weather and my kids returning to school.  Changing seasons are a part of life.  Summertime is a season of grace and healing, and fall leads us to a time of harvest and gratitude.  The fall season reminds me of my wedding over a decade ago with the colorful hues of love.  Seasons of our life are delightful, peaceful, gentle, exciting, dramatic, joyful, sorrowful, agonizing, terrifying, and heartbreaking.  Though life is ever changing, we can trust that God always remains the same.  We can always depend on Him, even when the season calls for pain and suffering. “For I am convinced that neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  Romans 8:38

HARVESTTIME:  There is nothing more rewarding than enjoying the “fruits of your labor” as you harvest the produce in your garden.  One of my favorite garden vegetables is zucchini.  Zucchini is easy to grow and delicious.  It can be added to many dishes as well as breads and desserts. My favorite way to cook the squash is by cutting it into thin slices and baking it at a high heat with olive oil and a generous sprinkle of sea salt.  I usually bake the slices on speed bake at 425 degrees for 20-25 minutes until they are blackened around the edges.  The kids and I call them zucchini chips.  The smaller zucchinis make tastier chips.  They melt in your mouth! 

“I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields!  They are ripe for harvest.  Even now the reaper draws his wages, even now he harvests the crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.” John 4:35-36 

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Race Marked by Perseverance and Strength: A Young Woman’s Battle with a Life-altering Disease

“Let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us.”  Hebrews 12:1

High School is supposed to be an exciting and memorable time in a person’s life. 17-year-old Kerri had the world at her feet.  She was a talented runner who had anchored her school’s 4 X 800 relay team, taking 1st at the state track meet and holding the school record.  Kerri was also a star volleyball player, known for her killer left-handed spike.  Kerri’s senior year of high school opened up multiple possibilities for the future.  Unfortunately, her dreams took a detour one October day in 2004 at a high school volleyball game.  Kerri experienced an intense fall after going up for a spike and colliding with another player.   She suffered from whiplash and had a concussion as a result from the collision.  Little did she know that this injury would have a lasting impact on her life.

Kerri's relay team takes first at state in 2004


A Detour from Normal Life

After the accident, Kerri resumed her busy and active lifestyle as a teenager.  Then, everything came to an abrupt halt in late December as she began to have flu-like symptoms. After a week of stomach cramps and diarrhea, Kerri began to notice blood in her stool.  Her mom, Clara, was very concerned and scheduled a doctor’s appointment.  The doctor informed them the symptoms looked like ulcerative colitis, an autoimmune disease characterized by open sores in the large intestine.   The doctor prescribed various maintenance medications for the disease, however they did not help her symptoms.  The physician treating her condition stated this was by far the worse case the clinic had seen.   He prescribed very high doses of the steroid prednisone in an attempt to decrease the symptoms.  Over time, the affects of the steroid and the disease began to further compromise her health.  Kerri’s condition was declining rapidly as she was losing massive amounts of blood and undergoing significant weight loss.  That March, she was hospitalized for about a week, receiving two blood transfusions for anemia.  Kerri was also treated for C. diff, a bacterial infection of the colon.  Sadly, she spent her 18th birthday in the hospital.  The doctors tried everything they knew to help Kerri, however her condition remained unchanged. 

No End in Sight

Kerri felt like she had hit a wall and her active lifestyle became non-existent as she was forced to navigate life with such a debilitating condition.  Her life essentially revolved around being near the bathroom.  Kerri had constant fear of leaving the house or having company over.  When going to places like the mall, she had to plan carefully and shop at stores close to the bathroom.  As the disease took over her life, Kerri became more withdrawn and her confidence was fading.

It broke Clara’s heart to see her daughter suffer through the dramatic changes in her life.  The prednisone caused puffiness in the face and damage to Kerri’s adrenal glands.  Kerri experienced appetite loss, adrenal fatigue, and mood swings from the medication. At 5’ 9”, she was barely 100 pounds.   Kerri and her mom felt as though they were running out of options. Kerri’s parents, Kenny and Clara, wanted to provide the best help available for their daughter so they made an appointment with the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota.  There, Kerri met a surgeon who recommended she undergo a colostomy procedure, stating she was a perfect candidate for the surgery.  The doctors at Mayo insisted that there was no possible way to heal the disease, and Kerri’s only option would be to have her colon removed.  Both Clara and Kerri were devastated at the idea of her spending the rest of her life utilizing a colostomy bag.   She was only 18 years old.  Surely there were other options.

 The affects of the disease caused significant weight loss for Kerri

A Glimmer of Hope

Clara and Kerri were not willing to give up on finding another path for healing.  Hope came from an unexpected direction.  An old classmate contacted Clara and shared with her that his daughter had suffered from a similar condition as Kerri’s.  His daughter’s symptoms started after she was involved in a car accident, and he was convinced that the disease resulted from her whiplash injury.  Clara’s classmate happened to be a healthcare professional so she was very interested in what he had to say.  She felt like there were too many parallels between his daughter’s and Kerri’s situations.  The man suggested that Kerri go the alternative healthcare facility Riordan Clinic in Wichita, Kansas where they would run an array of blood tests and work towards getting Kerri’s body back in balance.  He also referred them to a chiropractor his daughter saw.  This chiropractor practiced in Boulder, Colorado and specialized in upper-cervical care for adjusting the atlas. 

After some discussion, Clara and Kerri made an appointment for her to see a certified naturopathic doctor from the Riordan Clinic.  Kerri then started the recommended treatment plan based on her test results.  She was put on Dr. Eliane Gutshall’s specific carb diet—no sugar, grain, or dairy.  She primarily ate meat, vegetables, fruit, and smoothies made with homemade yogurt.  Kerri was treated for the fungal infection candida and received a vast array of supplements including a high dose of fish oil, a strong probiotic, and digestive enzymes.  She also continued to take prescription medications for ulcerative colitis.   Kerri and her parents began to travel from Kansas to Colorado for weekly chiropractor adjustments to her atlas.  X-rays revealed that her atlas and axis were significantly out of alignment, cutting off the nerve supply to her colon. 

The Long Haul

Meanwhile, Kerri was barely managing life as a freshman at Kansas State University.  The prednisone gave her around 8 functional hours so that she was able to attend classes, however her evenings revolved around the excruciating and painful affects of the disease.  She continued to have approximately 20 bouts of diarrhea daily despite taking high doses of the steroid medication.  The weekly visits to Colorado were also becoming increasingly difficult to manage.  They searched the Internet for an upper-cervical chiropractor closer to home, however had no success. Kerri began to notice some improvements from the diet and supplements, however she realized that it would be a painfully slow turnaround.

Kerri finished her finals in early December.  Afterwards, she came home and crashed, completely exhausted. Kerri and her family members were at the end of their rope.  Some serious changes needed to be made in order for her to achieve a full recovery from the disease.  Kerri and her parents decided that she should take some time off college to focus on getting well.  Kerri needed to be home where her family could take care of her. 

Around that time, Clara learned from a customer at her place of employment that there was a chiropractor in Savannah, Missouri that provided upper-cervical adjustments to the atlas.  The travel time would be significantly less for Kerri’s weekly adjustments.  While living at home, she visited the chiropractor in Savannah twice a week, was diligent with her diet, and continued with the supplements and colitis medications.  Kerri also saw the naturopathic doctor regularly for tests and check-ups.  There, she received IV vitamin cocktails that were used to aid in the healing process, and her practitioner suggested she take time-released oregano for her candida problem.

As time went by, Kerri slowly began to see a turnaround in her health.  In the fall of 2006, she was able to return to college.  One day about two years after the accident, Kerri called her mom exhilarated that she made it through the day without any diarrhea.   It never came back, and she was able to wean herself off of the prednisone.   It was a long haul as Kerri’s life seemed to be on hold those two agonizing years, but she persevered through the battle and stayed with it.

Marked by the Race
Kerri and her family members were forever changed by this experience.  They were left with some scars from the painful journey.  Kerri initially asked herself, “Why is this happening to me?”  As time went by, she came to the conclusion that God chose this path for her.  It was up to her to either live in fear or be proactive and find a way for her experience to help others.   She was overwhelmed by the support and care given by family and members of her community during the healing process.  Clara attributes her daughter’s healing to the combination of naturopathic therapy, diet changes, supplements, chiropractor adjustments to the atlas, and prayer. 

Kerri’s battle with this disease had a lasting impact on her family.  Kerri’s sister, Kelly, chose chiropractor therapy as a career so that she could help patients like Kerri.  Kelly now has a successful practice in Bonner Springs, Kansas.   Recently, Kerri’s dad, Kenny, was diagnosed with colon cancer. He decided to visit the Riordan clinic for vitamin IV’s, supplementation, and dietary changes.  After undergoing naturopathic treatments combined with surgery and chemotherapy, Kenny is now cancer free!  . 

Kerri’s family members have used their experience as a way to help and inspire others who are struggling with chronic and debilitating health conditions.  Both Kerri and Clara have been an encouragement to others by sharing their testimony of healing.  Kerri tells others to never ever give up.  “Do not let your health struggles define who you are. It really empowers you to do as much as you can to win the battle with your health.” 

Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.  They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint.”  Isaiah 40: 30-31

Kerri's family at her sister's graduation from Logan College of Chiropractic


Kerri’s experience inspired her sister, Kelly, to pursue a career in chiropractor therapy.  Here is more information about her practice in Bonner Springs, Kansas:

For more information on the upper-cervical chiropractor care Kerri utilized for adjustments to her atlas, visit this website:

This is the website for the Riordan Clinic in Wichita, Kansas:

Here is more information on the Specific Carbohydrate Diet:

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Embracing Wellness Through Alternative Health Care

We are a part of an expeditious culture where almost anything has the potential to become instantaneous.  Smart phones, iPads, laptops, fast food, and microwaves have revolutionized our lives.  We have whatever we want at our fingertips through technology and Internet access.  It seems like an exciting age to live in; however, have we stopped to consider what these things are doing to our health?  We are increasingly exposed to radioactive waves as well as a variety of toxins in the food and beverages we consume, the air we breathe, and other substances we encounter on a daily basis.  We are a society addicted to sugar, caffeine, diet sodas, cell phones, computers, and social media—oftentimes oblivious to what they are doing to our bodies.  Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, neurological disorders, and numerous life-threatening conditions are plaguing our lives. 

I was unaware of the damage my lifestyle was doing to my body until my health declined to a point that I couldn't ignore it any longer.  2 ½ years ago, I sat in my primary physician’s office, teary-eyed and confused about my mysterious and debilitating condition.  We had already spent thousands on tests and treatments that did little to provide answers or help.  Where would I turn next?  My doctor shook his head and suggested I purchase a cane to help with my balance and consider trying counseling to help me cope with my situation.  The circumstances seemed hopeless to me at the time, however God had other plans.  “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord.  ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”  Jeremiah 29:11

What Is Alternative Health Care?

Alternative health care is a broad term to describe a variety of therapies and medical interventions that are available through different types of health care providers.  Sometimes described as holistic or naturopathic medicine, alternative approaches are used to treat certain diseases and/or conditions.  Chiropractors, acupuncture therapists, holistic or naturopathic doctors, massage therapists, and nutritionists are some of the more commonly known alternative health care providers. There is a multitude of alternative health care options available.  The philosophy of holistic medicine focuses on the whole person.  The mind, body, and spirit are interwoven together and are addressed simultaneously.  Nutrition, exercise, emotional stability, and healthy body functions are the essential components of optimal health. 

Is Alternative Health Care Right For Me?

I think anyone could benefit from many aspects of alternative health care—utilizing good nutrition, detoxifying the body, learning to cope with stress, and embracing a healthy lifestyle.  We at least owe it to ourselves to educate ourselves about our health and bodies.  Alternative health care becomes a more crucial option when we have reached the end of our rope.  There may be a point in someone’s life where conventional medicine has failed to provide relief or hope for a debilitating condition or a life-threatening illness.  In our current economy, health insurance oftentimes provides minimal coverage for medical interventions, having the potential to leave us with exuberant medical bills.  Alternative treatments can be costly as well; however, the expenses can be minimal compared to the rising medical and prescription costs.  In these situations, another avenue of health care may be the answer.

Holistic medicine or alternative therapies are sometimes utilized to treat layers of health problems, and the process is more progressive.  With conventional medicine, you would typically take a prescription to “fix” the problem, expecting an immediate response.  While this seems ideal when it works, what happens when there is little or no improvement?  Do you just accept things as they are?  In her book, “And They Said It Wasn't Possible”, nutritionist, Karen Hurd, described a lesson she learned while serving in the army. She now applies this philosophy to her practice:  when something doesn't work, you go back and change the game plan.  Instead of giving up hope, maybe it is time to try something new!  What do you have to loose?

Alternative Health Care Doesn't Replace Conventional Medicine

This blog is not about degrading physicians and their practices.  I want to make it clear that I believe that physicians are a gift from God.  They save lives everyday.  A young and brilliant doctor saved my mom’s life when she went into respiratory failure 8 years ago.  I adore my current doctor.  She is thorough, compassionate, and she has completely supported my decision to use alternative medicine and therapies.  Alternative health care may not be for everyone, and it doesn't replace conventional medicine in our society.  Some people choose combined approaches of both conventional medicine and alternative therapies.  It is an individual decision based on your philosophy, body chemistry, and physical needs.   

How Do I Get Started?

 Choosing alternative health care requires discernment.  Just like in any other industry, there are alternative health care practitioners who are unreliable and provide unsatisfactory services.  I believe the best place to get started is by word of mouth.  Ask around and talk to people that you trust to find out whom they have seen and what were the results.  Personal testimonials of others who have tried a specific therapy speak more than anything else. 

When inquiring about a service and/or practitioner, you can often investigate the type of treatment and the philosophy of care on the Internet and decide for yourself if the service matches your needs.  You may want to find out if the practitioner is certified or licensed by a credible holistic organization or medical board.  Be ready with questions to ask when making your first appointment so that you have a thorough understanding of what to expect.

With all the information from the Internet at our fingertips, there are limitless resources about alternative health care available to us.  If you have the time and patience to do the research, you can educate yourself and try holistic supplements and therapies on your own.  Educating yourself about holistic medicine can be overwhelming, however I have heard testimonies of those who were able to heal serious illnesses and conditions on their own.   If you want to do it without the supervision of a practitioner, I suggest you do thorough research, prayerfully determine what works for you, and be very discerning before trying a new supplement or treatment.

Benefits of Testing

Just as doctors sometimes treat symptoms without running costly labs or tests, your alternative practitioner may recommend you try a specific supplement, treatment, or special diet without testing for the source of your health concern.   It is generally less expensive to use trial and error, however in some situations you will need to find a practitioner that is able to provide testing to determine the root cause of your condition.  Naturopathic doctors may order lab tests for specific diseases and other health concerns such as hormone imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, nutritional deficiencies, and other body chemistry indicators.  Practitioners also utilize methods of bioresonance testing or applied kinesiology.  This procedure examines body movements in response to certain diseases and chemicals in order to gain insight for what is contributing to a disease or condition.  The philosophy involves using the innate intelligence of your body to communicate what it needs.  When properly used, this technique is a scientifically reliable approach to alternative medicine and has the potential to get to the source of the problem. 

It’s About A Lifestyle Change

Alternative health care is not just about going to a specialized practitioner for your health care needs.  Alternative health care is a lifestyle change.  If you continue with the same response to stress, eating habits, and sedentary lifestyle, you may find roadblocks to wellness.  When I finally came to the conclusion that my lifestyle was severely damaging my health, I was in all the way.  I made some dramatic changes to my diet and lifestyle, and I haven’t regretted my decision for a minute. 

Diet And Nutrition

I believe that diet and nutrition are potent healers. Unfortunately, the typical foods that we as Americans eat have the potential to do significant damage to our bodies.  I became interested in nutrition several years ago, however was not fully committed until my health spiraled out of control.   I initially made some mistakes in the food products I chose.  I believed that if a product claimed to be “healthy” or if the product came from a whole or natural food store, it was good for me.  That is not necessarily true.  Now, my general rule is to avoid any foods that are processed or have chemical additives.  Some food companies are on to this idea and “clean up” their labels by making it appear that there are no added chemicals. Foods with refined sugar, refined grains, and polyunsaturated and hydrogenated oils (such as margarine) can be very damaging to the body.   Because of my specific needs, I avoid all grains, sugars, dairy products, and processed foods.  I also removed certain foods from my diet when testing revealed I had sensitivities to them.

There are various diets and nutritional options recommended by alternative practitioners.  In order to achieve optimal health, some people are choosing to try a gluten and dairy-free diet. Others only eat grains that are whole and natural. Some people are on a vegan diet, while others prefer a high protein paleo diet.   You can see a nutritionist to guide you or do your own research on nutrition through books, the Internet, and other sources. 

Detoxifying And The Healing Crisis

Toxins are believed to be the basis for many of the diseases and conditions that we struggle with.  When using alternative health care, it is often necessary to detoxify the body.  Many people use specific supplements or chelation therapies to detoxify, however there are numerous ways to detox.  I discovered that my body did not respond well to detoxifying supplements. Other avenues such as oil-pulling therapy and a modality of energy therapy have been more effective for my individual body chemistry.  The right detox program can vary depending on the individual’s unique body make-up and health problems.  Detoxing often accompanies unpleasant symptoms, which may include cold symptoms, headache, pain, nausea, and dizziness.  Your current health symptoms may also temporarily worsen when your body is detoxing.  These symptoms are known as the “healing crisis” and are normal.  It is important to have open communication with your holistic practitioner about this process.   Your body’s adverse response usually improves over time as you adapt to the detoxing and begin to heal. 

Holistic Dentistry

The condition of our teeth and gums can also affect our health.  Some research has tied deteriorating health to dental problems such as tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontal disease, and root canals.  Good oral hygiene is important for a healthy lifestyle; however, the chemicals in our dental products can have a negative impact on our health.  It is important to educate ourselves of the harmful side effects of what we put in our mouth.  Dental amalgams (metal fillings) are one of the most potentially dangerous products we can have in our mouths.  They contain harmful metals such as mercury that are believed to be unsafe for the body.  If you notice a metal taste in your mouth and/or believe that your dental amalgams are bothering you, it might be worthwhile looking into having them removed and replaced with safer composite fillings.  Be aware that removing the metal fillings can be dangerous to you and others as toxic fumes are released into the air.  Not all dentists are equipped to safely remove amalgams and there is much debate among dentistry professionals regarding the potential health hazard of amalgams.  Holistic dentists will utilize more natural methods to improve dental health as well as provide safe methods of extracting amalgams.   

Christianity And Holistic Medicine

I have found that my faith is the most vital part of my own healing process.  I have learned to trust God in all areas of my life and my health.  God is holistic in nature and He cares about all areas of our lives—our spiritual, emotional, and physical healing.  The Bible names Jesus Christ as the “Great Physician” and testifies that He is the ultimate healer. Holistic health encompasses the whole person—the mind, body, and spirit.  This path to wellness encompasses Biblical principals.  For example, studies have found that people who carry the burden of anger and bitterness in their lives tend to be more vulnerable to disease.  Forgiveness in itself is a powerful healer.  Forgiveness is also a fundamental part of the Christian faith.  As Christians, we can trust God to guide us towards the correct path of healing.  According to the Bible, God gives wisdom generously to all whom ask (James 1:5).  We should test all things before the Lord to seek what is true and what is a part of his will- “his good, pleasing, and perfect will” (Romans 12:2).  It is essential to bring all things to God in prayer before moving forward with something new. 

Holistic health is deeply spiritual.  When applied in a Christian environment, it can be beneficial for us; however, this philosophy of health care can potentially become an open door for pagan religions and occult practices.  I would caution you to stay clear from holistic therapies using crystals and spiritual channeling through “angels” or “spirit guides” to provide healing. You should avoid any “supernatural” therapies such as “psychic” surgeries or anything involving the “spirit world.”  These types of therapies are dangerous and have the potential to cause more harm.  I suggest checking out the spiritual basis for any unusual treatments or therapies to avoid opening yourself up to something you will regret.

The Wellness Path

God designed us as individuals with diverse personalities, body chemistry, and genetic make up.  We have individualized struggles with our health.  Each journey towards wellness is unique.  When I talk to people who are struggling with their health and are interested in learning about alternative health care, I make suggestions of certain therapies and nutritional information that have been helpful for me.  I recognize that they will have to discover for themselves what works for their unique situation.  My experience and knowledge is merely a speck in comparison to the information available to us.  I don’t propose to know all the answers or to determine what is right for others.  I can only share my journey and point to a loving and holy God who cares about us and our wellness.  I pray that those who are searching for wellness will see God’s work in their lives and discover His truth. 

Alternative health care is not a guarantee or a miracle.  We live in a world where tribulation and disease exist despite our best efforts to conquer them.  Just as God allows healing for some, others may not be so fortunate.   When you look at the big picture, life is really a blink of the eye.  It’s here today and gone tomorrow.  That is where the hope of eternity comes in for those who believe.  One day, our bodies will be restored and made perfect by our amazing creator who will “wipe every tear from our eyes.  There will be no death or mourning or crying or pain.  For the old order of things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.”  Isaiah 53:5

Karen’s Story

In 1989, Karen Hurd, and her family moved in a parsonage near the church where her husband was the pastor.  The Hurd family was exposed to significant levels of insecticide in their new home, which threatened the life of their 18-month baby, Ruth.  Desperate for answers, Karen prayed to God and used every resource possible to fight for the life of her precious girl. This testimony has inspired me to trust God’s wisdom in my own wellness journey.   Here is the full story:   

 Karen’s experience with using alternative health care to save her daughter’s life led her to pursue education on nutrition and open her own practice.  For more information and resources about nutrition and health, you can visit her website:

Other Resources On Alternative Health Care

For more wellness tips, visit my holistic health blog:

For more ideas and information about holistic health from a Christian perspective, you can visit my blog post:

There are limitless resources available on the Internet.  Here are a few places to get started.  Some of them have been helpful for me.

To search for holistic providers, you can check out this website:

To find a naturopathic doctor in your area, you can search this website:

This website provides interesting information about the healing power of coconut and good nutrition:

This book is a great resource for information on holistic dentistry, oral health, and oil pulling therapy for detoxifying the body:

To find a holistic dentist in your area, you can search this website:

Here is a video clip from the show, Dr. Oz, about the harmful affects of dental amalgams:

This book was recommended to me for education and information on what to look for when shopping for safe and non-toxic products:

For more information on what is bioresonance testing:

Here are a few websites that have been recommended to me for further information on alternative health care: