Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Embracing Wellness Through Alternative Health Care

We are a part of an expeditious culture where almost anything has the potential to become instantaneous.  Smart phones, iPads, laptops, fast food, and microwaves have revolutionized our lives.  We have whatever we want at our fingertips through technology and Internet access.  It seems like an exciting age to live in; however, have we stopped to consider what these things are doing to our health?  We are increasingly exposed to radioactive waves as well as a variety of toxins in the food and beverages we consume, the air we breathe, and other substances we encounter on a daily basis.  We are a society addicted to sugar, caffeine, diet sodas, cell phones, computers, and social media—oftentimes oblivious to what they are doing to our bodies.  Obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancer, neurological disorders, and numerous life-threatening conditions are plaguing our lives. 

I was unaware of the damage my lifestyle was doing to my body until my health declined to a point that I couldn't ignore it any longer.  2 ½ years ago, I sat in my primary physician’s office, teary-eyed and confused about my mysterious and debilitating condition.  We had already spent thousands on tests and treatments that did little to provide answers or help.  Where would I turn next?  My doctor shook his head and suggested I purchase a cane to help with my balance and consider trying counseling to help me cope with my situation.  The circumstances seemed hopeless to me at the time, however God had other plans.  “‘For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord.  ‘Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.’”  Jeremiah 29:11

What Is Alternative Health Care?

Alternative health care is a broad term to describe a variety of therapies and medical interventions that are available through different types of health care providers.  Sometimes described as holistic or naturopathic medicine, alternative approaches are used to treat certain diseases and/or conditions.  Chiropractors, acupuncture therapists, holistic or naturopathic doctors, massage therapists, and nutritionists are some of the more commonly known alternative health care providers. There is a multitude of alternative health care options available.  The philosophy of holistic medicine focuses on the whole person.  The mind, body, and spirit are interwoven together and are addressed simultaneously.  Nutrition, exercise, emotional stability, and healthy body functions are the essential components of optimal health. 

Is Alternative Health Care Right For Me?

I think anyone could benefit from many aspects of alternative health care—utilizing good nutrition, detoxifying the body, learning to cope with stress, and embracing a healthy lifestyle.  We at least owe it to ourselves to educate ourselves about our health and bodies.  Alternative health care becomes a more crucial option when we have reached the end of our rope.  There may be a point in someone’s life where conventional medicine has failed to provide relief or hope for a debilitating condition or a life-threatening illness.  In our current economy, health insurance oftentimes provides minimal coverage for medical interventions, having the potential to leave us with exuberant medical bills.  Alternative treatments can be costly as well; however, the expenses can be minimal compared to the rising medical and prescription costs.  In these situations, another avenue of health care may be the answer.

Holistic medicine or alternative therapies are sometimes utilized to treat layers of health problems, and the process is more progressive.  With conventional medicine, you would typically take a prescription to “fix” the problem, expecting an immediate response.  While this seems ideal when it works, what happens when there is little or no improvement?  Do you just accept things as they are?  In her book, “And They Said It Wasn't Possible”, nutritionist, Karen Hurd, described a lesson she learned while serving in the army. She now applies this philosophy to her practice:  when something doesn't work, you go back and change the game plan.  Instead of giving up hope, maybe it is time to try something new!  What do you have to loose?

Alternative Health Care Doesn't Replace Conventional Medicine

This blog is not about degrading physicians and their practices.  I want to make it clear that I believe that physicians are a gift from God.  They save lives everyday.  A young and brilliant doctor saved my mom’s life when she went into respiratory failure 8 years ago.  I adore my current doctor.  She is thorough, compassionate, and she has completely supported my decision to use alternative medicine and therapies.  Alternative health care may not be for everyone, and it doesn't replace conventional medicine in our society.  Some people choose combined approaches of both conventional medicine and alternative therapies.  It is an individual decision based on your philosophy, body chemistry, and physical needs.   

How Do I Get Started?

 Choosing alternative health care requires discernment.  Just like in any other industry, there are alternative health care practitioners who are unreliable and provide unsatisfactory services.  I believe the best place to get started is by word of mouth.  Ask around and talk to people that you trust to find out whom they have seen and what were the results.  Personal testimonials of others who have tried a specific therapy speak more than anything else. 

When inquiring about a service and/or practitioner, you can often investigate the type of treatment and the philosophy of care on the Internet and decide for yourself if the service matches your needs.  You may want to find out if the practitioner is certified or licensed by a credible holistic organization or medical board.  Be ready with questions to ask when making your first appointment so that you have a thorough understanding of what to expect.

With all the information from the Internet at our fingertips, there are limitless resources about alternative health care available to us.  If you have the time and patience to do the research, you can educate yourself and try holistic supplements and therapies on your own.  Educating yourself about holistic medicine can be overwhelming, however I have heard testimonies of those who were able to heal serious illnesses and conditions on their own.   If you want to do it without the supervision of a practitioner, I suggest you do thorough research, prayerfully determine what works for you, and be very discerning before trying a new supplement or treatment.

Benefits of Testing

Just as doctors sometimes treat symptoms without running costly labs or tests, your alternative practitioner may recommend you try a specific supplement, treatment, or special diet without testing for the source of your health concern.   It is generally less expensive to use trial and error, however in some situations you will need to find a practitioner that is able to provide testing to determine the root cause of your condition.  Naturopathic doctors may order lab tests for specific diseases and other health concerns such as hormone imbalance, thyroid dysfunction, nutritional deficiencies, and other body chemistry indicators.  Practitioners also utilize methods of bioresonance testing or applied kinesiology.  This procedure examines body movements in response to certain diseases and chemicals in order to gain insight for what is contributing to a disease or condition.  The philosophy involves using the innate intelligence of your body to communicate what it needs.  When properly used, this technique is a scientifically reliable approach to alternative medicine and has the potential to get to the source of the problem. 

It’s About A Lifestyle Change

Alternative health care is not just about going to a specialized practitioner for your health care needs.  Alternative health care is a lifestyle change.  If you continue with the same response to stress, eating habits, and sedentary lifestyle, you may find roadblocks to wellness.  When I finally came to the conclusion that my lifestyle was severely damaging my health, I was in all the way.  I made some dramatic changes to my diet and lifestyle, and I haven’t regretted my decision for a minute. 

Diet And Nutrition

I believe that diet and nutrition are potent healers. Unfortunately, the typical foods that we as Americans eat have the potential to do significant damage to our bodies.  I became interested in nutrition several years ago, however was not fully committed until my health spiraled out of control.   I initially made some mistakes in the food products I chose.  I believed that if a product claimed to be “healthy” or if the product came from a whole or natural food store, it was good for me.  That is not necessarily true.  Now, my general rule is to avoid any foods that are processed or have chemical additives.  Some food companies are on to this idea and “clean up” their labels by making it appear that there are no added chemicals. Foods with refined sugar, refined grains, and polyunsaturated and hydrogenated oils (such as margarine) can be very damaging to the body.   Because of my specific needs, I avoid all grains, sugars, dairy products, and processed foods.  I also removed certain foods from my diet when testing revealed I had sensitivities to them.

There are various diets and nutritional options recommended by alternative practitioners.  In order to achieve optimal health, some people are choosing to try a gluten and dairy-free diet. Others only eat grains that are whole and natural. Some people are on a vegan diet, while others prefer a high protein paleo diet.   You can see a nutritionist to guide you or do your own research on nutrition through books, the Internet, and other sources. 

Detoxifying And The Healing Crisis

Toxins are believed to be the basis for many of the diseases and conditions that we struggle with.  When using alternative health care, it is often necessary to detoxify the body.  Many people use specific supplements or chelation therapies to detoxify, however there are numerous ways to detox.  I discovered that my body did not respond well to detoxifying supplements. Other avenues such as oil-pulling therapy and a modality of energy therapy have been more effective for my individual body chemistry.  The right detox program can vary depending on the individual’s unique body make-up and health problems.  Detoxing often accompanies unpleasant symptoms, which may include cold symptoms, headache, pain, nausea, and dizziness.  Your current health symptoms may also temporarily worsen when your body is detoxing.  These symptoms are known as the “healing crisis” and are normal.  It is important to have open communication with your holistic practitioner about this process.   Your body’s adverse response usually improves over time as you adapt to the detoxing and begin to heal. 

Holistic Dentistry

The condition of our teeth and gums can also affect our health.  Some research has tied deteriorating health to dental problems such as tooth decay, gingivitis, periodontal disease, and root canals.  Good oral hygiene is important for a healthy lifestyle; however, the chemicals in our dental products can have a negative impact on our health.  It is important to educate ourselves of the harmful side effects of what we put in our mouth.  Dental amalgams (metal fillings) are one of the most potentially dangerous products we can have in our mouths.  They contain harmful metals such as mercury that are believed to be unsafe for the body.  If you notice a metal taste in your mouth and/or believe that your dental amalgams are bothering you, it might be worthwhile looking into having them removed and replaced with safer composite fillings.  Be aware that removing the metal fillings can be dangerous to you and others as toxic fumes are released into the air.  Not all dentists are equipped to safely remove amalgams and there is much debate among dentistry professionals regarding the potential health hazard of amalgams.  Holistic dentists will utilize more natural methods to improve dental health as well as provide safe methods of extracting amalgams.   

Christianity And Holistic Medicine

I have found that my faith is the most vital part of my own healing process.  I have learned to trust God in all areas of my life and my health.  God is holistic in nature and He cares about all areas of our lives—our spiritual, emotional, and physical healing.  The Bible names Jesus Christ as the “Great Physician” and testifies that He is the ultimate healer. Holistic health encompasses the whole person—the mind, body, and spirit.  This path to wellness encompasses Biblical principals.  For example, studies have found that people who carry the burden of anger and bitterness in their lives tend to be more vulnerable to disease.  Forgiveness in itself is a powerful healer.  Forgiveness is also a fundamental part of the Christian faith.  As Christians, we can trust God to guide us towards the correct path of healing.  According to the Bible, God gives wisdom generously to all whom ask (James 1:5).  We should test all things before the Lord to seek what is true and what is a part of his will- “his good, pleasing, and perfect will” (Romans 12:2).  It is essential to bring all things to God in prayer before moving forward with something new. 

Holistic health is deeply spiritual.  When applied in a Christian environment, it can be beneficial for us; however, this philosophy of health care can potentially become an open door for pagan religions and occult practices.  I would caution you to stay clear from holistic therapies using crystals and spiritual channeling through “angels” or “spirit guides” to provide healing. You should avoid any “supernatural” therapies such as “psychic” surgeries or anything involving the “spirit world.”  These types of therapies are dangerous and have the potential to cause more harm.  I suggest checking out the spiritual basis for any unusual treatments or therapies to avoid opening yourself up to something you will regret.

The Wellness Path

God designed us as individuals with diverse personalities, body chemistry, and genetic make up.  We have individualized struggles with our health.  Each journey towards wellness is unique.  When I talk to people who are struggling with their health and are interested in learning about alternative health care, I make suggestions of certain therapies and nutritional information that have been helpful for me.  I recognize that they will have to discover for themselves what works for their unique situation.  My experience and knowledge is merely a speck in comparison to the information available to us.  I don’t propose to know all the answers or to determine what is right for others.  I can only share my journey and point to a loving and holy God who cares about us and our wellness.  I pray that those who are searching for wellness will see God’s work in their lives and discover His truth. 

Alternative health care is not a guarantee or a miracle.  We live in a world where tribulation and disease exist despite our best efforts to conquer them.  Just as God allows healing for some, others may not be so fortunate.   When you look at the big picture, life is really a blink of the eye.  It’s here today and gone tomorrow.  That is where the hope of eternity comes in for those who believe.  One day, our bodies will be restored and made perfect by our amazing creator who will “wipe every tear from our eyes.  There will be no death or mourning or crying or pain.  For the old order of things have passed away.” (Revelation 21:4)

“But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was upon him, and by his wounds we are healed.”  Isaiah 53:5

Karen’s Story

In 1989, Karen Hurd, and her family moved in a parsonage near the church where her husband was the pastor.  The Hurd family was exposed to significant levels of insecticide in their new home, which threatened the life of their 18-month baby, Ruth.  Desperate for answers, Karen prayed to God and used every resource possible to fight for the life of her precious girl. This testimony has inspired me to trust God’s wisdom in my own wellness journey.   Here is the full story:   

 Karen’s experience with using alternative health care to save her daughter’s life led her to pursue education on nutrition and open her own practice.  For more information and resources about nutrition and health, you can visit her website:

Other Resources On Alternative Health Care

For more wellness tips, visit my holistic health blog:

For more ideas and information about holistic health from a Christian perspective, you can visit my blog post:

There are limitless resources available on the Internet.  Here are a few places to get started.  Some of them have been helpful for me.

To search for holistic providers, you can check out this website:

To find a naturopathic doctor in your area, you can search this website:

This website provides interesting information about the healing power of coconut and good nutrition:

This book is a great resource for information on holistic dentistry, oral health, and oil pulling therapy for detoxifying the body:

To find a holistic dentist in your area, you can search this website:

Here is a video clip from the show, Dr. Oz, about the harmful affects of dental amalgams:

This book was recommended to me for education and information on what to look for when shopping for safe and non-toxic products:

For more information on what is bioresonance testing:

Here are a few websites that have been recommended to me for further information on alternative health care:


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  2. Thank You Dina. I'm praying that you find the information and answers you are seeking. Blessings to you! Darcee

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