Tuesday, October 28, 2014

(the voices of Lyme) A voice of Hope: Nancy's Story


"Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace, that we may receive mercy and find grace to help in time of need."  Hebrews 4:16

Lyme disease is often referred to as the "invisible illness" and the "great imitator" because it is extremely difficult to detect and it mimics various other diseases/conditions. Many are silently suffering from this debilitating disease, unable to obtain adequate diagnostic testing or treatment.  Society at large is grossly uninformed about the widespread effects that Lyme disease is having on individual lives and their families.  It is my personal goal to be a "voice out of the silence" of pain and despair by raising awareness about Lyme.   I have had the opportunity to come into contact with some amazing women who have agreed speak up and share their own experiences for my "voices of Lyme" series.  I am profiling individual stories of daily challenges and triumphs with the disease.

When I first discovered that I likely had Lyme disease a few years ago, my daughter's AWANA leader at church approached my husband to discuss her own experience with the disease and how she conquered it through alternative healthcare.  Nancy's story was the first to offer me hope.


"Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand."  Isaiah 40:10

In May of 2008, Nancy Sommerfeld was plagued with mysterious physical symptoms.  She could not pinpoint what exactly was going on; however, she knew that something was very wrong.  Nancy was having extreme fatigue, unusual heart symptoms, and insomnia.  She frequently woke up around 3 AM with a racing heart.  By late June, the symptoms persisted so Nancy made an appointment with her primary physician.  He discovered she was having irregular heart patterns and recommended that she take a stress test for her heart.   Nancy was diagnosed with high blood pressure, and her physician prescribed a medication to address her condition.   A week after taking the stress test, a nurse contacted Nancy and asked her if anyone in her family had ever "dropped dead from heart failure." The clinic then scheduled an appointment with a cardiologist.   At the cardiology appointment, the specialist examined Nancy, reviewed her test results, and declared that she had mildly high blood pressure.  He assured her that prescription medications would keep her condition under control.  Nancy described feeling sluggish so the cardiologist prescribed another medication.

As the summer went on, Nancy's condition continued to worsen.  By August, she was having unusual neurological symptoms, tremors in her hands, and strong adrenaline reactions to stimuli.  Her doctor assured her that she was fine and offered to prescribe something for anxiety, which she declined.   This was the first time Nancy had experienced these neurological and physiological responses.  She knew that she wasn't fine and that there had to be an answer.  "During my illness, I was constantly praying for insight into what was happening.  It was terrifying to have one's body react in such scary and strange ways and not know why."


"What no eye has seen, nor ear heard, nor the heart of man imagined, what God has prepared for those who love him."  1 Corinthians 2:9

That September, Nancy did receive insight through consultation with a nutritionist who suggested that she may have Lyme disease.  Nancy did some research and saw that it made sense after reading what others had experienced with the disease.  Nancy did not recall having a tick bite or any symptoms typical of tick bites.  It never crossed her mind that her symptoms might be a result of Lyme disease.  She requested a Lyme test at her local clinic but both types came back negative.  When she asked for antibiotics to treat the condition, her doctor refused and offered anti-anxiety medication instead.   Again, Nancy turned down the medication, knowing it was not right for her.  A family physician did eventually agree to prescribe antibiotics for Lyme.   Nancy felt that the medicine helped a little; however, her symptoms continued to persist, and she was convinced that Lyme was the problem.

A friend from church suggested that Nancy try alternative measures to treat the disease.  The friend recommended a Field Control Therapy practitioner who had been successful in treating other cases of Lyme disease.  When Nancy contacted him to explained her symptoms, he agreed to squeeze her into his busy schedule and made an appointment for late September.  Nancy received some testing that revealed a presence of Lyme disease as well as two other Lyme co-infections.  She learned that the secondary infections could cause as many if not more debilitating health symptoms than Lyme.  Nancy discovered that the disease appeared to be in the advanced stages and was compromising her myelin sheath, an insulating layer that surrounds the brain, nerves, and spinal cord.  Nancy and her family were extremely relieved to finally have answers for what was going on with her health.  Nancy was very skeptical about Field Control Therapy when she first heard about it.  She was never criticized for using this venue of health care, though some found it more difficult to accept than others.  "It was only after months of being treated and feeling better than I ever had in my life that I realized how helpful Field Control Therapy could be."


"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."  Matthew 11:28-29

Lyme had a tremendous impact on Nancy's energy level throughout the course of her illness and treatment.  That summer, Nancy spent most of her spare time sitting out on the front porch swing so she could rest her weary body.  Nancy could recall the difficulty she had maintaining her garden and keeping up on the housework and cooking.  It took up all of her energy.  Her husband, Bruce, did what he could to help with the children and housework.  In the fall, Nancy was taking some classes at the University of Wisconsin River Falls for her teaching certificate and Master's in Elementary Education.  Some nights, she barely had the strength to walk from the class to her car.   As Nancy was observing a classroom in St. Paul, she struggled to make it up the stairs to the classroom.  Somehow, God helped her to get through all of her classes.  Nancy attributes God's grace for her family's ability to function with a fair amount of normalcy despite the tremendous turmoil in her life.  Nancy's personal relationship with God offered her the supernatural rest she needed to be at peace.  "I felt God leading me all along, helping me cross paths with those who could help me.  I have always been somewhat afraid of not being able to cope if a debilitating illness or injury entered my life, and I felt as though God showed me through my Lyme episode that He was more powerful than any external circumstances that may have come my way."


"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness'."  2 Corinthians 12:9

Around the time Nancy was at her sickest, her mom was at the end stages of Alzheimer's and residing at a care facility in Hudson.  Nancy was the primary person responsible for her mom's care.  Nancy's low energy made visits to see her mom extremely difficult.  The staff members at the care facility were aware of her situation and did everything they could to help out.  That December, her mom's body shut down and she passed away a few days later.  Nancy felt blessed to be able to stay with her mom until the end.  "God was so sweet about the circumstances surrounding her passing.  It was as though He knew I was doing all I could do and He was pleased."

Nancy was so sick at her mom's funeral, she wasn't sure if she could get up the few stairs to the church service.  Thankfully, her condition improved the months following so that she could handle her mom's estate and continue to take care of her family.  Nancy's recovery period took about a year before she felt back to normal.  She felt God's presence working things out the entire time.  "God truly showed me that He is sufficient in all circumstances.  I had always thought that I couldn't afford to get sick because I was indispensable to my family, but God lovingly showed me that I needn't carry that heavy burden.  I needed to be incapable of doing many of the things I thought I needed to do for my family in order for God to teach me some important lessons that I couldn't have learned if I was healthy."


"Bless the Lord, O my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy, who satisfies you with good so that your youth is renewed like eagle's."  Psalm 103: 1-5

Nancy's faith played a central role in her daily struggles with Lyme disease.  She had already made it a habit to read her Bible and devotions late at night when the house was quiet.  Those intimate moments with God were especially important during her illness.  She could then lean on God for His strength as hers was completely gone.  Nancy sensed that He was always there and always faithful to provide all (but not more) that she needed at any given time.  Nancy has been able to use this experience to offer a "voice of hope" for those who are still in the battle with Lyme.  "Lyme disease can be a terrifying and lonely disease because sometimes well-meaning people really don't believe you have a serious health condition.  You need to cling to God for guidance and strength.  Trust that He is the ultimate Healer and knows exactly what is best for you, even when you feel like disagreeing with Him!  When I look back on my illness, I realize that God taught me things that I wouldn't have learned otherwise.  Nothing is wasted in God's eyes.  God will bring people into your life who can help so don't be afraid to reach out to others for answers and assistance.  I think of all of the people who contributed to helping me get better and I am so grateful for each one." 


For more information about Lyme disease, read my blog:

Here is an excellent article that explains facts about Lyme disease and why it is so difficult to detect and treat:  http://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2013/09/04/lyme-disease.aspx

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